Saturday, 17 December 2016

Part1: Build your own monitoring system using Riemann,Graphite,Collectd.

In this 3 article series of build your own monitoring system for your application I will give basic idea about the different tools and technologies you can use and I will demonstrate how they communicate with each other. I will also explain "what will be the next step"  or "what else you can add in this monitoring framework".

The main components we will discuss are :

I will also give overview for some surrounding tools and plugins that we can attach to the above main components.

For all this exercise I am using Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS. You can use any other Linux distribution of your choice. I will show installation steps for Ubuntu , but for other Linux distribution, the steps are not much different and difficult. Many user guides are available on the internet. Windows users I am feeling sorry for you as Riemann and Graphite are not supported in windows as of now.

Lets start with Riemann.


As per ,what is riemann : A network event stream processing system, in Clojure

This is the theory. Let me break down the words and explain you as a developer point of view.

Network: Some server accessible on network (true... when you start riemann, it starts a server port and listen on that port for events , what is event ???)

Event : Some event in your application which has some data, some metrics associated with it, which can be stored and can be analysed.
E.g: User response time for some DB related operation, time to complete some ETL process , Number of times some operation performed ,Some memory or cpu related metrics.....

Stream processing : With both Network and Event now you have flow of events coming into the riemann. So definitely you are going to do something with that stream of events. We will write some rules for processing of the events. 

Clojure: The event processing rules in riemann we have to write as a Clojure script in riemann.config file.
Lets start with installation.

Riemann Installation

I will explain it in very brief as it is very simple!!!

1) Download riemann installer of your flavor(.deb, .rpm , .tar) from
2)Install it. For my case I just have to run the .deb file and its done, riemann installed.
3) Lets download some utility and dashboard for riemann. For that ruby will be needed.
    Run below commands to download dashboard and utility.
     - sudo apt install ruby
     -sudo gem install riemann-client riemann-tools riemann-dash

The installation part is done for riemann.

Starting riemann and riemann dashboarad

Lets start riemann and riemann-dash

1)  service riemann start  OR riemann OR riemann /etc/riemann/riemann.config
      You can start riemann using any one of the above commands.

So you can see that riemann server has started listening on port 5555. This is the default port configuration. You can override that settings from riemann.config file.

2) Run command: riemann-dash 

So riemann dashboard has started on port 4567, Lets open it in the browser.

Now press "Ctrl" and click on the area I have marked with red circle in the above image.
Once clicked , after that press "e" and you can see one popup window. Populate the values of that popup in the same way I did it in the below image.

"true" in query section means display all the streams coming into riemann.
Once you click on "Apply", you can see some system events being sent to riemann.

Now the next thing we are going to do is very important and interesting.


We have riemann server up and running. Now we want to send our user defined events from our application to riemann for processing. In page you can see riemann has already client library present for C,C++,C#,Clojure,Elixir,Erlang,Go,Java,Lua,Node.js,OCaml,Perl,Python,Rubu,Scala and also supporting many other Tools, programs and plugins which can be integrated with riemann.

I am going to use riemann-java-client for this purpose and will send my own user defined events from my java program using the riemann java client library.

Pom file structure:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <project xmlns=""  

Below example java class I have copied from riemann-java client git homepage only with some modifications.
 import io.riemann.riemann.client.RiemannClient;  
 public class BasicEventTest {  
   public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {  
     RiemannClient c = RiemannClient.tcp("localhost", 5555); // creating connection object 
     c.connect();  // connecting to riemann server
     int temperature = 1;  
     while (true) {  
       if (temperature > 10) temperature = 1;  
       c.event().                // creating event
           tags("appliance", "cold").  
           send().              // sending event
           deref(5000, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  

Let me explain what we are doing here:

1) creating riemann client which will connect to specified riemann server .
2) Creating event and giving service name, state, metric value, tags for extra metadata and sending it to riemann server.

Once you run this program , you can see the event on the riemann dashboard.

you can see that the temperature we are sending as a metric value is associated with service name "fridge". Once you click on the fridge service it will show more details associated with down below.
Here in our case value of temperature is changing every one second because we are sending new metric value every 1 second in our java program.
ttl value is 60 here so each event will be present in the riemann for 60 seconds only.  You can configure it in riemann.config file.
Remember this point as this will be the main point for need of Graphite  , In part2 I will explain need and benefit of graphite.

This service and metric was dummy. But you can think of any useful events and metrics inside your application and send them to riemann for processing.

Lets see one more example of Event sending from java application:
 import io.riemann.riemann.client.RiemannClient;  
 public class BasicEventTest {  
   public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {  
     RiemannClient c = RiemannClient.tcp("localhost", 5555);  
     while (true) {  
       MemoryMXBean memoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();  
           // state("running").   state is not needed here  
           metric(memoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed() / 1024).  
           tags("jvm nonheap used memory").  
           deref(5000, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  

In this example we are sending JVM non heap used memory using Memory Mbean and sending its value to riemann.

Similarly we can send all jvm related metrics like jvm cpu, thread count ,heap memory usage etc...using Mbeans.

In this article we have discussed basic event sending from riemann client to riemann server and its basic display on riemann dashboard.

In part2 we will see riemann integration with Graphite and also discuss why it is needed.
In part3 we will see some advanced stream processing examples in riemann and some basic overview about Collected.

Below diagram depicts the architecture covered till now in this series.
After each article of this series I will update this diagram with newly learned things.

That's it for now...

part2 is my next article on this series.

Please post your comments and doubts!!!

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